FlexICoN paper accepted to ACM SIGMETRICS'15

March 27, 2015

FlexICoN cross-disciplinary paper on full-duplex has been accepted to ACM SIGMETRICS'15, a flagship performance analysis conference. The paper is among 32 accepted papers out of 239 full submissions (13.4% acceptance rate).

The paper is titled “Resource Allocation and Rate Gains in Practical Full-Duplex Systems” and is co-authored by FlexICoN Ph.D. students Jelena Marašević and Jin Zhou, and PIs Harish Krishnaswamy, Yuan Zhong, and Gil Zussman. The paper introduces a novel realistic model of a small form-factor (e.g., a smartphone) full-duplex receiver based on the chip developed within the FlexICoN project, analytically and numerically quantifies achievable throughput gains from full-duplex for realistic hardware models, and develops power control algorithms. Full version of the paper is available on the arXiv.